Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 33: Fordland, MO (again)

We tried to get up early and for us we did. We enjoyed Mic and Carols company for a while before packing up. They sent us on our way with a great breakfast of cinnamon rolls and fruit (and a good nights sleep!) And a couple of bananas for the road. Jess sent us off with a big hug too.

They say 'never look back' or something like that, but I did anyway to get a picture of the road to Mic and Carol's.

We started out very dusty. We were only on county road for 6 miles but when we were done we had a nice dust shellac. I had my sleeves pushed up and this is what they looked like pushed down.

People in Kansas are really nice. Everyone waves at you and says hello if you meet them in a store.  We finally got chugging down the road when we hit construction. It wasn't long or bad but really neat. They have a long line of trucks where the first one chews up the asphalt then the next 7 or so trucks loaded up the chewed up road with oil and the last few trucks relaid it out as new asphalt and rollers came behind to do what they do. It was an asphalt recycling system and was awesome. Illinois should look into that. It seems cheaper and so much quicker.

We went 180 miles before we stopped for gas and lunch at taco bell. Again, taco bell doesn't sell gas, we had to go somewhere else for that. As soon as we got back on the road out was crazy windy.  All the Labor Day traffic didn't help either. It's hard to imagine how much 'dirty air' comes off of vehicles. Dirty air is the choppy wind created by vehicles moving through regular air. It feels like a bunch of people have surrounded you and are pushing you around like a bouncy ball.

We we bound and determined to go the nearly 600 miles to Matt's (which there are 5 of them and 2 of us so technically thats an extra 7 miles, plus Mic & Carol so really 9 extra miles today!) We pushed through and eventually stopped for gas where a guy approached us about the trailer. Lots of people have asked Devin about the trailer; particularly how it pulls. Anyway he was a big rider like us...lots of miles over the years. We got back on the road and by this time it was all clouds. The bike rolled over 30,0000 miles, pretty good mileage for only 16 months. We were headed towards the rain from Hurricane Isaac that had moved inland. The wind was blowing about 20 mph still and it was really, really rough to ride in. It'd started to sprinkle so we stopped and put on our gear.
We didn't get as much rain as we did mist. It was misty up until about the last 20 miles when we actually got rain, but even then it was a normal, steady rain. Other than fighting the traffic and wind all day it was not a bad ride. We finally made it to Matt & Ellen's, a little damp but mostly dry and in good spirits. We stayed up late exchanging travel stories (Matt just took their eldest to British Columbia). A hot shower and warm bed was primo after a long day like today, especially one that is familiar and much better than a hotel or the tent-ma-hal. We are almost home...
Today we traveled 591.2 miles for a total of 9914.5 miles across America.

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